Vegan Gluten-Free Banana Bread
Banana Bread with a twist
A chocolate-lover’s dream, this banana bread recipe includes chia seeds and replaces sugar with agave syrup. A fully vegan and gluten-free treat that your friends and family will love.

4 bananas (mashed), 1 tbs melted coconut oil, ⅓ cup agave syrup, 1tbs chia seeds mixed with 3tbs water, ⅓ cup cacao nibs, ⅓ cup dark chopped dark chocolate, 1 cup spelt flour (Lara uses a gluten-free one, whole wheat works as well), 1tbs baking powder, ¼ tbsp baking soda, a dash of cinnamon, ¼ tsp vanilla extract, ¼ cup coconut milk, 2tbs cacao powder

Step 1
Preheat the oven to 350F (180°). Combine the mashed bananas, coconut oil, agave and the chia seed water mixture into a mixing bowl. Mix until well combined. Stir in the flour and the baking powder.

Step 2
Take about ⅓ of the batter and mix it with the coconut milk, the cacao powder, chopped chocolate, cinnamon and vanilla. Pour the plain batter into a lined loaf tin and top with the chocolate half. Take a knife and “cut” trough the batter a couple of times to create a marbled effect. Top with sliced bananas.

Step 3
Bake for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick stuck into the middle comes out clean. Let it cool for a bit before slicing.

Meet Lara Zaugg
As a full blown chocoholic and connoisseur, Lara Zuagg loves creating new desserts by experimenting in the kitchen. She shares her passion and creations on her popular blog Vanillacrunnch. With a clear focus on health her recipes are often gluten-free or vegan. Chocolate is a cornerstone in her baked and raw desserts where she often substitutes other conventional ingredients for healthier alternatives. We asked Lara to share three of her favourite recipes.